The mixing techniques – Explanation

Welcome back to the blog! In this article I go to deepen what are the mixing techniques main most used by bartenders for the preparation of drinks. The mixing techniques used for the preparation of cocktails are different, and each allows, to those who use them, to get different results. For this, for some cocktails, it is recommended to use one specific technique rather than another.


The simplest technique of all which involves inserting all the ingredients directly into the glass that will be used to serve the cocktail. In fact, the name derives from an English verb (to build), which means to build. This is the technique used for drinks such as the American, the negroni etc.. The only tool that is used, in addition to the glass, and the barspoon, which allows us to mix the ingredients to combine all the ingredients.

Necessary tools: Barspoon


This is one of the most used mixing techniques of all and as you can guess from the name it involves the use of two tools that I have often mentioned within this site, it shaker and it strainer. In fact, this technique involves shaking the drink and filtering the liquid from the ice into the glass for serving. The technique is recommended when there are substances of different specific weights that need to be mixed properly.

To further filter the cocktail one can use the also defined technique double strain and involves the use of a fine mesh strainer. This is recommended when residues of citrus juices or small pieces of ice may remain inside the liquid, which could cause discomfort during drinking.

Necessary tools: Shaker, strainer


This other technique involves combining the ingredients within a mixing glass, a large glass vessel similar to a glass. Ice is also poured into the same instrument which we will need to adjust the dilution of the drink. In fact, the technique involves lightening the alcoholic components of the cocktail which would otherwise be too aggressive for our palate..

To dilute the cocktail simply mix the liquid into the ice with a barspoon. Once dilution is complete, the drink is drained from the ice into the serving glass using the strainer.

Necessary tools: Mixing glass, barspoon, strainer


Although it has only been back in fashion a few years ago, this technique is actually much older. Made famous in particular by Jerry thomas called by the experts the professor who used the technique for the realization of the blue blazer, one of his most famous recipes. The following technique involves using two fairly large containers, many use parts of a boston shaker, in which the beverage is passed from the first to the second container and vice versa.

This step is said to be useful in oxygenating the components of the drink that acquire a greater fragrance. Ice is also placed in one of the two containers if you decide to dilute the drink as well.

Necessary tools: Boston shaker, strainer


The technique muddled, wrongly used for years in the making of the Mojito, plans to use the muddler, a specific pestle, to crush a component of the recipe to be made. A classic example is the Caipirinha for which the recipe calls for crushing the lime. In particular it is used for various cocktails of Caribbean origin where they are often present in the citrus recipe.

Necessary tools: Muddler


The last technique involves the use of the blender, a professional blender for making some well-known drinks. Frozen is a category of drinks that exclusively involves the use of the blender. The ingredients are in fact placed inside the blender together with a precise amount of ice.

Necessary tools: Blender

Through these links you can find professional kits on Amazon for making cocktails, the first is a basic kit while the second is an advanced kit.

Kit barman base su Amazon

Professional bartender kit on Amazon


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